I have to let you go
I have to release you from my heart so I can live again
It's the hardest thing I've ever done
And I don't know how to do it
I toss and turn, I can't sleep
Knowing that I have to let you leave
But how do I let go of my own heart
The greatest love that I ever had
I'm clinging on with every last bit of my strength
Knowing that I can't keep holding on
My fingers are slipping and losing their grasp
When I let go, I'll fall to my death
But I have to let you go to keep my mind
You don't want me, you made that clear
You've moved on to another with no thought
Of all we made together and all we were
Maybe you think I will wait as long as it takes
For you to realise that it's the biggest mistake
You have made or will ever make
For you to understand my light has gone from you
I have to let you go so I can start to live again
To find out how to live without you
To discover who I am now and find the lost parts of me
To put my heart back together again
I have to let you go
But it's killing me to do it